Before knowing the CLEAN opposite word in English, we should understand the meaning of CLEAN.
CLEAN meaning in English is – “Free From Dirt, Marks, Or Stains” “Morally Uncontaminated; Pure; Innocent”
CLEAN meaning in Hindi is – साफ, स्वच्छ, शुद्ध
Synonyms Words used for CLEAN– Antiseptic, Chaste, Fair, Immaculate, Pristine, Spick-And-Span (Or Spic-And-Span), Spotless, Squeaky-Clean, Stainless, Unsoiled, Unstained, Unsullied, Pure, Taintless, Undefiled, Unpolluted, Untainted, Wholesome, Cleanly, Germfree, Hygienic, Sanitary, Sterile, Abluted, Bleached, Cleansed, Purified, Scrubbed, Washed, Whitened, Milky, Snowy, White, Flawless, Unblemished, Bright, Shiny, Sparkling
Use of CLEAN in Sentences:
- You need to clean the house before mother will come.
- We all should take initiative to keep our nature clean.
- Your school dress is looking so neat and clean today.
Opposite of CLEAN in English
Most popular opposite word for Clean is – DIRTY
Other Antonyms for CLEAN is – Filthy, Besmirched, Soiled, Stained, Unclean, Foul, Grimy, Putrid, Slimy, Squalid, Defiled, Dingy, Dusty, Greasy, Slovenly, Smutty, Sooty, Tainted, Tarnished, Unwashed, Bedraggled, Begrimed, Cloudy, Cruddy, Dreggy, Fouled, Grubby, Grungy, Icky, Messy, Mucky, Muddied, Murky, Scummy, Scuzzy, Sloppy, Smudged, Soily, Spattered, Straggly, Sullied, Unkempt, Unlaundered, Vile, Gross, Smirched, Uncleaned
Opposite of CLEAN in Hindi- गंदा, मैला , मलिन, अनिर्मल, अस्वच्छ
Above opposite words (Antonyms) of CLEAN almost have the same meanings, which is Dirty or Stained. But we need to be careful while using these words in the sentences as some of these words have some slight differences in their meanings.
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