Before knowing the FRESH opposite word in English, we should understand the meaning of FRESH.
FRESH meaning in English is – “Being In An Original And Unused Or Unspoiled State”
FRESH meaning in Hindi is – ताज़ा, नया
Synonyms Words used for Fresh– Brand-New, Mint, Pristine, Span-New, Virgin, Virginal, Unaltered, Unblemished, Unbruised, Uncontaminated, Undamaged, Undefiled, Unharmed, Unhurt, Unimpaired, Uninjured, Unmarred, Unpolluted, Unsoiled, Unspoiled, Unsullied, Untainted, Untouched, Unworn
Use of FRESH in Sentences:
- Herry wanted a fresh start for his married life.
- Doctors suggested me to visit site a hill station for some fresh air.
- That vegetable guy always sell fresh vegetables and fruits
Most popular opposite word for Fresh is – OLD
Other Antonyms for FRESH is – Aged, Mature, Older, Dirty, Polished, Turned, Bad, Decaying, Decomposing, Foetid, Musty, Decomposed, Foul, Rank, Reeking, Spoilt, Spoiled
Opposite of FRESH in Hindi- पुराना, सड़ा हुआ
Above opposite words (Antonyms) of FRESH almost have the same meanings, which is Old or Aged. But we need to be careful while using these words in the sentences as some of these words have some slight differences in their meanings.
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