Before knowing the HUNGRY opposite word in English, we should understand the meaning of HUNGRY.
HUNGRY meaning in English is – “Feeling A Desire Or Need For Food”
HUNGRY meaning in Hindi is – भूखा, उत्सुक, लालायित
Synonyms Words used for Hungry– Empty, Famished, Peckish [Chiefly British], Starved, Starving, Eager, Greedy, Keen, Ravenous, Starved, Athirst, Avid, Carnivorous, Could Eat A Horse, Covetous, Craving, Edacious, Empty, Esurient, Famished, Famishing, Flying Light, Got The Munchies, Hankering, Hoggish, Hollow, Hungered, Insatiate, Omnivorous, On Empty Stomach, Piggish, Rapacious, Unfilled
Use of HUNGRY in Sentences:
- The boy said that he was hungry, So I gave him my food.
- That man is hungry for success. He will definitely achieve the goal one day.
- I am freaking hungry because I haven’t eaten anything since last night.
Most popular opposite word for Hungry is – FULL
Other Antonyms for HUNGRY is – Full, Complete, Exact, Whole, Just, Precise, Filled, Loaded, Occupied, Fraught, Replete, Wide, Broad, Spacious, Large, Extensive, Satiated, Deep, Rotund, Satiate, Plummy
Opposite of HUNGRY in Hindi- व्याकुल, भरा हुआ, परिपूर्ण
Above opposite words (Antonyms) of HUNGRY almost have the same meanings, which is Full or Loaded. But we need to be careful while using these words in the sentences as some of these words have some slight differences in their meanings.
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