Before knowing the NARROW opposite word in English, we should understand the meaning of NARROW.
NARROW meaning in English is – “Being of less than usual width”
NARROW meaning in Hindi is – संकीर्ण, तंग, संकरा
Synonyms Words used for Narrow– Fine, Hairline, Needlelike, Paper-Thin, Skinny, Slender, Slim, Slim-Jim, Thin, Ultrathin, Attenuate, Attenuated, Elongate (Or Elongated), Linear, Bottleneck, Close, Compressed, Condensed, Constricted, Contracted, Squeezed, Tight, Tightened, Lanky, Rangy, Reedy, Shoestring, Spindly, Stalky, Stringy, Twiggy, Willowy, Wispy, Lank, Spare
Use of NARROW in Sentences:
- Your car will not cross this way, the road is narrow ahead.
- Illiterate people are mostly narrow minded.
- I have narrowed it down to three option to make it more difficult.
Most popular opposite word for Fresh is – WIDE
Other Antonyms for NARROW is – Wide, broad, spacious, large, extensive, vast, roomy, ample, big, expansive, fat, immense, large, generous, outspread, sizeable, capacious, comfortable,, commodious, huge, vast
Opposite of NARROW in Hindi- विस्तृत, पूर्ण, पूरा खुला हुआ
Above opposite words (Antonyms) of NARROW almost have the same meanings, which is Wide or Broad. But we need to be careful while using these words in the sentences as some of these words have some slight differences in their meanings.
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